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1 July 2023 Super Balance Increase but no Change for Contributions

The general transfer balance cap (TBC) – the amount of money you can potentially hold in a tax-free retirement account, will increase by $200,000 on 1 July 2023 to $1.9 million. The TBC is indexed to the consumer price index each December.

The TBC applies individually. If your transfer balance account […]

By |9 March, 2023|Superannuation|Comments Off on 1 July 2023 Super Balance Increase but no Change for Contributions

The ‘Super’ Wars

A consultation paper released by Treasury has sparked a national debate about the role, purpose and access to superannuation ahead of the 2023-24 Federal Budget.

What is the purpose of superannuation? At first glance, the consultation released by Treasury in February titled Legislating the objective of Superannuation sounds innocuous enough. The consultation seeks […]

By |2 March, 2023|Superannuation|Comments Off on The ‘Super’ Wars

Future earnings for super balances above $3m taxed at 30% from 2025-26

The Government has announced that from 2025‑26, the 15% concessional tax rate applied to future earnings for superannuation balances above $3 million will increase to 30%.

The concessional tax rate on earnings from superannuation in the accumulation phase will remain at 15% up to $3m. From $3m onwards, the rate will […]

By |1 March, 2023|Superannuation|Comments Off on Future earnings for super balances above $3m taxed at 30% from 2025-26

Is ‘downsizing’ worth it?

From 1 January 2023, those 55 and over can make a ‘downsizer’ contribution to superannuation.

Downsizer contributions are an excellent way to get money into superannuation quickly. And now that the age limit has reduced to 55 from 60, more people have an opportunity to use this strategy if it suits […]

By |7 February, 2023|Superannuation|Comments Off on Is ‘downsizing’ worth it?

Recruiting new employees? The 1 November superannuation rule changes

When your business hires a new employee, the Choice of Fund form is used to identify where they want their superannuation to be directed. If the employee does not identify a fund, generally the employer directs their superannuation into a default fund.From 1 November 2021, where an employee does not […]

By |13 October, 2021|Superannuation|Comments Off on Recruiting new employees? The 1 November superannuation rule changes

What happens to your Superannuation when you die?

Superannuation is not like other assets as it is held in trust by the trustee of the superannuation fund.  When you die, it does not automatically form part of your estate but instead, is paid to your eligible beneficiaries by the fund trustee according to the rules of fund, superannuation […]

By |13 October, 2021|Superannuation|Comments Off on What happens to your Superannuation when you die?

Divorce, Superannuation and the Gender Divide

New legislation will help prevent superannuation assets from being hidden during divorce proceedings.

From 1 April 2022, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will be able to release details of an individual’s superannuation information to a family law court.The recently enacted laws are designed to ensure that there is procedural and economic […]

By |13 September, 2021|Superannuation|Comments Off on Divorce, Superannuation and the Gender Divide

What changes on 1 July 2021?

Super guarantee rate increase to 10%

On 1 July 2021, the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rate will rise from 9.5% to 10% – the first rise since 2014. It will then steadily increase each year until it reaches 12% on 1 July 2025.The 0.5% increase does not mean that everyone gets an […]

By |2 June, 2021|Superannuation|Comments Off on What changes on 1 July 2021?

The July 2021 Superannuation Changes

Changes from 1 July 2021 will impact on how much money you can contribute to superannuation and how much you can have in your retirement phase superannuation account.

In general, your superannuation is either in an accumulation account (when you are building your super), a retirement account (when you meet preservation […]

By |7 April, 2021|Superannuation|Comments Off on The July 2021 Superannuation Changes

What happens to your super when you die?

The general rule is that superannuation is not part of your estate unless you expressly make it part of your will, right?  Well, maybe not. A recent case before the courts serves as a warning to make sure that you take care of the details.

Generally, superannuation is passed directly to […]

By |1 November, 2014|Superannuation|0 Comments
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